Child-friendly version of our dùndún research published in Frontiers for Young Minds!


Click here to read a press release about our original research article using the dùndún (talking drum) to understand how people categorize music vs. speech!

Press release about our project Music in the Time of Corona!


Listen to my recent interview on the podcast Applied Science Live!

Learn a new initiative we started at UC Davis: SOMA: Seminar Outreach for Minority Advocacy

Demographics within neuroscience vastly mismatch the actual distribution of minority communities within the United States population. In a 2011 survey report of 97 U.S. neuroscience graduate programs, only 12% of predoctoral trainees were minorities (African- American, Hispanic-American, Native-American, “Other”) - a statistic that reduces to only 4% of postdoctoral trainees and 5% of tenure track faculty. Increasing the visibility of underrepresented scientists is a critical component to addressing this inequity. Without visibility, the aforementioned unequal distributions are inevitably perpetuated.

Click to learn more.

Fall SOMA Seminars 2017

From 2018-20 I am serving on the grant review panel of the California Arts Council

In this role, I meet with other arts & science experts to deliberate which Research in the Arts grants should receive state funding.

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